Yesterday morning my car wouldn't start... repair man came... declared a flat battery... eventually got it started and took kids to school an hour late...
Went and taught a friend's daughter how to sew on her new machine... patternless 1 hour skirt... wow! How proud and pleased does she look!? So I had just raided my stash and found this 150cm wide fabric which was just the right length! So... simple side seam, zig zag round the top and bottom edges, hem, whack some elastic in... done! She was very happy! Hopefully this is the start of a big sewing career!!!
So I went to school to get the kids... all fine until my almost 2 year old drops a can of coke, which punctures, sprays in huge, rapid spirals around my kitchen coating all the cupboards and floor... yep, every inch! So... mopping, wiping... just what you need before dinner! Every wondered why it's good to get smooth kitchen cupboards rather than those fancy ones with grooves!? Needless to say I didn't renovate this kitchen... grooves galore!
The day continued... suddenly thought it was time to clip my 7yr old son's hair... great idea... until... the size 4 cover fell off and I didn't realise until I'd done a big SHAVE track up the back of his head... aaaaaargh! I mean, how do you FIX something like that?!?! Poor lad! I'm good friends with his former teacher so I asked her to make sure she totally took the mickey out of me when she saw him at school... I was impressed... she obeyed!!! Poor kid!!! It was hilariously funny but I suppose a mother should NOT laugh at such things! His dad, who is very precious about his own hair, was completely unimpressed... which was even funnier! Hey, it will grow back in no time!!
But the day didn't end there... son decides to check his scary hair out using his sister's heart shaped mirror... promptly drops it on the floor... ohh horrors!... smashes into smithereens!!! At that point I was just thinking that maybe it was time I went to bed!!!
Today wasn't much better... car still wouldn't start... new battery on its way... 1 year old falls over bruises her nose... car still won't start... oh, I did manage to fit a little sideways trip into the patchwork shop (don't know HOW that happened!?!!!). Then I went to our school Parent's and Friends' meeting and handed over the job of president! So... now I actually have no schedule... except a 2 hr college course just for fun! 20th Century Theologians... should be sounding educated soon! Hopefully!
Well, there ends the crazy day... hopefully tomorrow will be better... I already have GENEROUSLY offered to stop in at the yarn shop to pick up some needles for a friend who desperately wants to knit something but has to teach children all day... such a shame!!! It will be a total chore to visit the wool shop... have I told you about my knitting stash yet?!? Maybe another day...
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